The Misfitss

The Misfitss

1961 Trọn bộ 124 Phút 11 Âu Mỹ

While filing for a divorce, beautiful ex-stripper Roslyn Taber ends up meeting aging cowboy-turned-gambler Gay Langland and former World War II aviator Guido Racanelli. The two men instantly become infatuated with Roslyn and, on a whim, the three decide to move into Guido's half-finished desert home together. When grizzled ex-rodeo rider Perce Howland arrives, the unlikely foursome strike up a business capturing wild horses.

Đạo diễn: John Huston

Thể loại: Hành Động, Chính kịch

Diễn viên: Marilyn Monroe, Clark Gable, Eli Wallach, Montgomery Clift, Thelma Ritter, James Barton, Kevin McCarthy, Estelle Winwood, Rex Bell

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