Tù Nhân Thiếu Niên

Tù Nhân Thiếu Niên

2014 Trọn bộ 106 Phút 18 Anh

19-year-old Eric, arrogant and ultra-violent, is prematurely transferred to the same adult prison facility as his estranged father. As his explosive temper quickly finds him enemies in both prison authorities and fellow inmates — and his already volatile relationship with his father is pushed past breaking point — Eric is approached by a volunteer psychotherapist, who runs an anger management group for prisoners. Torn between gang politics, prison corruption, and a glimmer of something better, Eric finds himself in a fight for his own life, unsure if his own father is there to protect him or join in punishing him.

Đạo diễn: David Mackenzie

Thể loại: Chính kịch

Diễn viên: Jack O'Connell, Ben Mendelsohn, Rupert Friend, David Ajala, Peter Ferdinando, Gershwyn Eustache Jnr, Anthony Welsh, David Avery, Sian Breckin, Sam Spruell

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